GOVJOBS.PH *2023* New Jobs Update

Government Jobs Philippines NOW HIRING:

CSC Job Portal
Place of Assignment : Research Division/ RARES
Position Title : Farm Superintendent II
Plantilla Item No. : FAS2-23-2014
Salary/Job/Pay Grade : 15
Monthly Salary : Php 35,097.00
Eligibility : CS Professional/ Second Level Eligibility
Education : Bachelors degree relevant to the job
Training : 4 hours of relevant training
Work Experience : 1 year of relevant experience
Competency : 1) Advance knoweldge & skills on the management of
overall farm operations and activities

How to apply? Application process and procedure:

1.Please visit the official site of CSC job portal to check out the government agency’s vacancy and verify the application process and procedure:

2.Find the government agency’s name and open the document file that contains the contact information where to submit the resume.

3.For your reference, below is the head office address of the government agency and their official website:

Department of Agriculture DA csc careers gov government jobs ph csc job portal hiring philippines vacancies online application

Looking for more government agency job vacancies? Please visit GOVJOBS.PH every day for fresh job updates! NO FEES TO BE COLLECTED. This website is 100% free to use. No sign-ups, no passwords, no registration is required. For the Filipinos, by the Filipinos!